Checker Bricks

Checker Bricks


Apocalypse Steel And Power Limited is a leading supplier & exporter of checker bricks. These are commonly used in the steel and iron industry. It is a type of heat carrier used in hot blast stoves of blast furnaces and flame furnaces because of its outstanding high temperature load creep capability, high density, and minimal apparent porosity. Also known as construction bricks, ACC bricks, checkered bricks or solid bricks, these are offered at the best prices throughout India (especially Delhi, Kolkata) and internationally to the Middle East countries, Europe, America, and Asian countries. In the said industries, these products are used in the annealing furnace, cupola furnace, heat treatment furnace, refining furnace, metal mixer furnace, induction furnace, and others. For high quality refractory checker bricks for blast stove, we are trusted as the manufacturer from India.

Product Details:


Features of Checker Brick

  1. Excellent volume stability
  2. Possibility of good high-temperature loading creep
  3. Increased bulk density
  4. Minimal apparent porosity
  5. Strong ability for heat exchange




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